What Are The Symptoms Of Adrenal Tumors

Discover the symptoms of adrenal tumors with Saket Hospital. Consult the best endocrinologist specialist in Jaipur for expert care. Best endocrinologist specialist in jaipur

What Are The Symptoms Of Adrenal Tumors

Jun 26, 2024

Adrenal tumors are abnormal growths. They grow in the adrenal glands, which sit on top of the kidneys. These tumors can be benign or malignant. They may cause various symptoms. The symptoms depend on their size, hormone production, and impact on adrenal function. Jaipur is known for its cultural heritage and top healthcare. Individuals there have access to specialized care at Saket Hospital. This hospital is known for its expertise in endocrinology. It has some of the best endocrinologists in Jaipur. This ensures comprehensive evaluation and management of adrenal tumors to optimize patient outcomes.

Understanding Adrenal Tumors

Adrenal tumors can start in the adrenal cortex or adrenal medulla. Each has distinct characteristics and hormone production. Many adrenal tumors are non-functioning. They do not produce hormones. But, others can make too much hormone, causing specific symptoms.

Common Symptoms of Adrenal Tumors

  1. Hormone Overproduction Symptoms:

    • Too much cortisol can cause symptoms. These include weight gain, mainly around the abdomen. They also include a moon face, thin skin that bruises easily, and muscle weakness. And they include high blood pressure.

    • Conn’s Syndrome (Primary Hyperaldosteronism): Overproduction of aldosterone can cause high blood pressure. It can also cause low potassium levels. This leads to muscle weakness or cramping, and it’s also associated with excessive thirst or urination.

    • Pheochromocytoma: This rare tumor can make too much adrenaline and noradrenaline. This leads to symptoms. They include severe headaches, palpitations, sweating, anxiety, and panic attacks. They also include high blood pressure.

  2. Non-functional Tumors: Adrenal tumors that do not make hormones may not cause specific symptoms. But, they can become large enough to squeeze nearby organs or tissues. This can cause it’s a lot of pain or discomfort in the abdomen or back.

  3. Incidental Finding: In some cases, doctors find adrenal tumors by accident. They find them during imaging tests for other reasons. The tumors may not cause symptoms at first.

Diagnostic Approaches at Saket Hospital

At Saket Hospital in Jaipur, they evaluate people with suspected adrenal tumors well. Expert endocrinologists guide this process. Diagnostic approaches may include:

  • The tests measure hormone levels. They help find hormone-producing tumors and plan treatment.

  • Doctors use techniques like CT scans and MRI to see the adrenal glands. They use them to assess the size, location, and traits of tumors.

  • A biopsy may be done to get a tissue sample. This is for lab analysis. It’s done for suspicious or cancerous tumors.

Treatment Options and Management

Doctors treat adrenal tumors based on many factors. These include tumor size, hormone production, and whether the tumor is benign or cancerous. Options may include:

  • Observation: Doctors may monitor tiny, non-working adrenal tumors over time. They are watched with regular imaging tests. This is to make sure they do not grow or cause symptoms.

  • Medication: For tumors that produce hormones, doctors may prescribe medications. These drugs manage hormone levels and ease symptoms.

  • Surgery: Patients may need surgery to remove the adrenal gland (adrenalectomy). This is for larger, malignant, or symptomatic tumors.

Collaborative Care at Saket Hospital

Saket Hospital uses a team-based approach to care. It involves collaboration between endocrinologists, surgeons, radiologists, and pathologists. They work together to create personalized treatment plans for each patient’s needs. This ensures comprehensive evaluation, accurate diagnosis, and optimal management of adrenal tumors.


In conclusion, adrenal tumors can cause many symptoms. The symptoms depend on the tumors’ hormone production and size. Early recognition and evaluation are crucial. They should happen at a reputable institution like Saket Hospital in Jaipur. It has a reputation for its expertise in Best endocrinologist specialist in jaipur. They are crucial for timely diagnosis and effective management. The symptoms may suggest hormone overproduction. Or, incidental findings may warrant further investigation. Seeking consultation with experienced endocrinologists ensures comprehensive care and support.

You or someone you know has symptoms suggestive of adrenal tumors. These include unexplained weight gain, hypertension, and unusual episodes of sweating and anxiety. Don’t hesitate to consult with experts at Saket Hospital. Trust endocrinologist in jaipur hospital. They can navigate adrenal tumors and achieve good health outcomes.