Greetings from Saket Hospital, Jaipur
Welcome! to Saket Medicare & Research Center pvt ltd. , we’re more than just healthcare providers our aim is to strengthen the health of entire community by bringing the highest quality medical services.
We are poised to deliver advanced tertiary care of International standards at the affordable prices to the patients, saving their cost and time by avoiding their forced visit to far long places like Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad for medical needs. The Hospital would be at the forefront of medical technology, expertise and provide complete range of diagnostic, medical and surgical facilities for the care of its patients. The services and facilities provided by the Hospital would be unparalleled and set to become the premier healthcare destination and would be developed as a referral center for all high-end medical needs of the region. We also proposed to have satellite OPD’s in far-flung rural areas where quality medical care is a challenge & the patients have to cover long distances to reach a proper well-equipped medical facility. We are an excellent team of progressive healthcare providers.
We are committed to provide good quality care to the patients with world class facility at affordable cost in all specialties.

Dr. Praveen Manglunia
Managing Director