What Are the Symptoms of Malaria in Children?

What Are the Symptoms of Malaria in Children?

Aug 02, 2024

Malaria is a serious, often deadly disease. It is caused by parasites in infected mosquitoes. It predominantly affects tropical and subtropical regions, including parts of India. Children are particularly vulnerable to malaria due to their weaker immune systems. Knowing the symptoms of malaria in children is vital. It allows for early diagnosis and effective treatment. This blog will explore malaria symptoms in children. It will highlight how Saket Hospital in Jaipur helps manage the disease.

Common Symptoms of Malaria in Children

1. Fever and Chills

One of the most common symptoms of malaria in children is a high fever, often accompanied by chills. The fever can be intermittent. It occurs in cycles that align with the malaria parasite’s lifecycle. Children may experience sudden and severe shivering episodes, followed by high fever. The cyclic nature of fever is a hallmark of malaria. It should prompt immediate medical attention.

2. Headache and Body Aches

Children with malaria often complain of severe headaches and body aches. These symptoms can be debilitating. They may make the child lethargic or irritable. Malaria headaches can be mild or severe. They often last until effective treatment.

3. Nausea and Vomiting

Malaria can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. These symptoms can cause dehydration. This is dangerous for young children. It is important to keep the child hydrated and seek medical help if these symptoms persist.

4. Fatigue and Weakness

Children suffering from malaria often appear unusually tired and weak. This fatigue comes from the body’s response to the infection. It can greatly affect the child’s ability to do normal activities. Severe malaria can cause extreme weakness and tiredness. This makes it hard for the child to do daily tasks.

5. Sweating and Hot Flashes

As the malaria fever subsides, the child may sweat excessively and have hot flashes. This sweating is the body’s way of cooling down after a high fever. Sweating can be normal during a fever. But, it should be monitored. It may lead to dehydration in the child.

6. Anemia

Malaria can cause a decrease in red blood cells, leading to anemia. Symptoms of anemia in children include pale skin, weakness, and shortness of breath. In severe cases, anemia can become life-threatening and requires prompt medical intervention.

7. Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is another symptom that can occur in children with malaria. This pain can vary in intensity. It may come with other gastrointestinal symptoms, like diarrhea.

8. Seizures and Confusion

In severe malaria, children may have seizures or show confusion. This is often due to the involvement of the central nervous system, which can occur in severe malaria. Immediate medical attention is crucial to manage these symptoms effectively.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Early diagnosis of malaria is critical for effective treatment. If your child exhibits any of the above symptoms, it is essential to seek medical help promptly. Blood tests confirm the presence of malaria parasites. They are a type of diagnostic test.

Saket Hospital, a top provider, has expert pediatricians and advanced tools to treat children’s malaria. The hospital’s specialists ensure kids get a correct diagnosis and proper treatment. This includes antimalarial drugs and care to manage symptoms and prevent complications.

Prevention of Malaria

Preventing malaria is crucial, especially in areas where the disease is prevalent. Some preventive measures include:

  • Using Insect Repellents: Apply mosquito repellents on exposed skin to prevent mosquito bites.

  • Sleeping Under Mosquito Nets: Use insecticide-treated bed nets to avoid mosquito bites at night.

  • Wearing Protective Clothing: Dress children in long sleeves and pants. This reduces skin exposure.

  • Eliminating Standing Water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. So, removing standing water around the home can reduce the risk of malaria.


It is vital to know the symptoms of malaria in children. This aids quick diagnosis and treatment. Key signs of malaria are high fever, chills, and a headache. Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, sweating, anemia, and abdominal pain may also occur. In severe cases, there may be seizures. If your child exhibits these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. Saket Hospital is known for its top pediatric doctor in Jaipur It excels at diagnosing and treating malaria. Quick action and proper care can greatly help malaria-affected kids. It can improve their outcomes and ensure a fast recovery.